Easy Everything Pickled Onions

Pickling foods for storage really became an art in the 18th century. The secret to great pickling is the vinegar used and the length of time foods are allowed to rest in the vinegar. Nordic pickling depends upon white wine or white vinegar, Asian recipes usually recommend rice vinegar while Britain prefers dark malt vinegar which is heavily influenced by Indian cuisine. Regardless of the vinegar used, allowing vegetables to rest a minimum of twenty-four-hours in the brine is absolutely necessary. During this resting period, moisture is drawn out of the vegetables as flavor is soaked in. My recipe uses apple cider vinegar as a base for a unique flavor and the resting period is about one and a half days. However you choose to pickle your onions, you’ll want to use them on everything from breakfast bowls to pizza flatbreads. This recipe is so fast, easy and delicious you’ll never buy pickled onions again. Enjoy and have a colorful day!

  • Time:

    Prep: 5 min

    Cook: 3 min

    Serving: 8

  • 0.5 red onion

    ½ cup apple cider vinegar

    ¼ cup water

    ½ tsp salt

    1 tsp brown sugar


Step 1

Thinly slice red onion and place into a mason, jam, or canning jar.

Step 2

In a small pot bring vinegar, salt, and sugar to a boil.

Step 3

Pour over the onions and close the lid. Refrigerate for 30 minutes minimum or overnight.

Special Note

Tastes best after chilled for 1.5 days


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