Parmesan Crusted Brown Butter Turnips

Turnips are often baked, boiled or steamed. BUT this little root has ambition to become something other than a softened boiled mash or lost on a baking sheet with a slew of other root vegetables. In this recipe, the turnips are the star–pan seared and browned in beurre blanc then encrusted with fresh herbs, panko and Parmesan. In mere minutes–your senses will be surprised. A great fictional film character once said, "Turnips are the self made woman of vegetables". It's true, this is a hard working root vegetable that can achieve amazing flavor and be something beautiful if you just give it a, stop boiling turnips and give them a chance to shine on your dinner table. Enjoy and have a colorful day!

*Turnip variety suggestion: Baby Tokyo Turnip

*True beurre blanc contains no cream. (If you add cream to the sauce, it's no longer a beurre blanc.)

*We are making just enough beurre blanc to be absorbed by the turnips and the panko.

  • Time:

    Prep: 5min

    Cook: 10min

    Serving Size: 2

  • 1 bunch organic tokyo turnip

    Italian Panko


    fresh basil


    Italian parsley

    ¼ cup sauvignon blanc

    1 teaspoon white wine vinegar

    1 shallot (chopped)

    2 tabs butter

  • Nutrition per serving

    Calories, 976.1kcal, 49% DV

    Total Fat, 94.23g, 135% DV

    Carbs, 27.09g, 10% DV

    Sugars, 9.31g, 10% DV

    Protein, 7.17g, 14% DV

    Sodium, 307.25mg, 15% DV

    Fiber, 4.66g, 17% DV

    Percent Daily Values based on a 2,000 calorie diet.

    Health Score: See positive Impact

    *Health Scores are calculated on a 1-10 scale based on nutrient density and USDA recommendations for a healthy diet. A higher Health Score means healthier food. The value based on impact of more than 28 nutrients.

    Nutrients in this dish with a positive impact:

    Unsaturated Fat, 30g, 61% DV

    Fiber, 5g, 17% DV

    Protein, 7g, 14% DV

    Potassium, 495mg, 14% DV

    Magnesium, 34mg, 9% DV

    Iron, 1mg, 7% DV


Step 1

Wash, trim, and quarter turnips into bite sized pieces. Wash and chop herbs and set aside in a small bowl. Mince the shallot and set aside.

Step 2

Brown the butter in a large pan. (Stir gently on medium heat until the butter browns.) Add the diced shallot.

Step 3

Add thyme sprigs to the pan, pour in the wine, and white wine vinegar and simmer until slightly reduced.

Step 4

Toss the turnips into the pan. Cook and stir occasionally until turnips are softened and are brown on all sides. About 7-8 minutes. *At minute 5 remove the thyme sprigs and add the other herbs.

Step 5

Sprinkle in enough panko to cover the turnips, toast the panko by stirring the turnips. Then add in parmesan cheese and stir and cook for 2 minutes more.


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